
Happy New Year! I love taking time on New Year’s Eve to reflect on the past months and think about what I want to happen in the year to come. It’s like making a resolution without setting anything in stone! Of course, I’m always hoping a new year will be even better than the last, which is why I try to incorporate a few foods into my New Year’s Eve dinner that are thought to bring good luck. While nuts aren’t a traditional lucky food, it doesn’t stop me from sprinkling them into my meal! Here are a few things I’ll be making to close out 2015.


Apple Pecan Salad with Maple Vinaigrette – Eating greens on New Year’s Eve is meant to symbolize good luck with money. Why not dress up those greens with pecans and apples?


Pork Chops with Pecans, Sage and Fall Fruit – In the south, pork is eaten because pigs root ahead as they eat, pushing their food with their snout rather than pulling it back like other animals do. These pork chops are made even more delicious (and southern!) with a healthy sprinkle of pecans.

Plate of Diamond Nuts Lemon Pistachio Spinach Spaghetti.


Lemony-Pistachio Spaghetti with Spinach – Because of their shape, noodles symbolize long life, so load up your plate with this delicious pasta made with pistachios!

Completely Delicious Hazelnut Crusted Salmon with rice and asparagus.

Hazelnut Crusted Salmon – Like beans and greens, fish are thought to bring luck with money because their scales are shiny like coins. They also swim in schools, which represents abundance. Pass the Hazelnut Crusted Salmon!


Chocolate Almond Rum Cake – Ring-shaped are eaten because they represent coming full circle. I say this Chocolate Almond Rum Cake is a sweet way to end one year and begin another!